French writers held a creative meeting at the Library of Avtograd
25 November 2015
November 24, Laurence QUENTINand CatherineREISSER met with the readers at theLibrary on Avtograd in Togliatti. They presented the Russian version of the book "The World in XIII century." The event, organized by the "Alliance Francaise Togliatti", was held in the format of a creative meeting with the presentation.
The authors answered questions from readers and lovers of French literature. The best questions were marked by prizes.
The book "The World in the XIII century" issued only in French and Russian. This fact is surprising for both the writers and the audience. Until now, their books were not published in Russia bit in other countries: Mexico, Brazil, South Korea. In conclusion the authors have presented some books to the Library and Alliance Francaise Togliatti.
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