3 July 2014
Since September 2014 the ONLY bilingual department is opened in Togliatti with the support of Embassy of France, mayor office of Togliatti and cultural and educational non-governmental organization Alliance Francaise Togliatti. The pilot place for this project is non-state educational establishment "Educational centre "SHKOLA".
Non-state educational establishment "Educational centre "SHKOLA" is currently recruiting pupils of the 8th and 9th forms for 2014-2015 in groups of bilingual Russian-French department.
Togliatti bilingual section will become the 30th on the territory of Russia.
Purposes of the project:
- development of a fruitful dialogue between the Russian and French cultures based on respect and recognition of their identity;
- development of pupils' abilities and readiness to multicultural communication;
- creation of the conditions for professional self-determination of pupils;
- development of pupils' qualities such as independence, ability to analyze and think thoroughly, as well development of their needs, motivation and creative capabilities;
The educational process in the bilingual department is operated in close cooperation with Alliance Francaise Togliatti teachers (including teachers from France). It involves:
1. Development of communicative competence of the pupils for the French language and their achieving B2 level (pan-European scale CEFR) by the end of the 11th class with 4 hours of profound teaching of the French language per week;
2. Teaching of two non-linguistic disciplines on the French language from the 8th to 11th class (one of the disciplines - on a permanent basis);
3. Carrying out intermediate (at the end of 8,9,10 classes) and final (at the end of 11th form) certification on the French language and non-linguistic discipline;
4. Attraction of the pupils to various extra- activities on the French language: Olympiads, competitions focused on the protection of research projects, competitions in the line of Embassy of France, French Institute, Alliance Francaise, DELF's exam, etc.
1.Each graduate who studied at bilingual department and successfully passed the final exam gets a certificate confirming skill level of the French language which exempts him from test that is necessary to pass within the procedure of preliminary admission to registration for the entrance to French higher educational institutions.
2. Pupil who didn't pass the final exam or didn't confirm level B2 after the exam, but studied at bilingual department from the 8th to the11th form gets a reference verifying his studying at bilingual department of non-state educational establishment "Educational centre "SHKOLA" and comprising his marks on intermediate certification.
Necessary documents:
1. Parents' application letter on the name of the head of non-state educational establishment "Educational centre "SHKOLA" for enrolling their child to bilingual department.
2. Certificate of A2 level DELFJunior (desirable, but permitted basic level).
3. After the test the head of the establishment issues a nomination letter and the pupils parents are informed about it during parents meeting.
For further information please contact:
"Educational centre "Shkola" - (8482) 35-56-94 (reception)
Alliance Francaise Togliatti - (8482) 31-83-77
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